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How to edit and print e-file acceptance letters in Lacerte

SOLVEDby Intuit61Updated November 21, 2023

To print an e-file acceptance letter for e-file returns and extensions:

  1. From the All Clients list, select the clients you need acceptance letters for.
  2. From the E-File menu, select Step 4: Print e-file Acceptance letter.
  3. Under Letter Type, select the letter that you need for this specific client.
  4. Select Print/Email.
  5. Select your Print Settings and then OK.
  6. Select Close.
  7. After the acceptance letter for a return prints, its e-file status for that client will change from Accepted to E-file Complete.

How to edit the e-file acceptance letter for e-file returns and extensions

  1. From the Settings menu, select Client Letter. 
  2. Under Letter Navigation, select Electronic Filing.
  3. Select one of the following links to edit:
    • EF Heading includes the client number, letter address, and letter salutation.
    • EF Acceptance includes acknowledgments, balance due, and refund information.
    • EF Closing includes closing paragraph and signature.
  4. Add or delete the information as needed in the letter
  5. When you've finished editing, go to the Folder menu and select Save.

This only affects the current tax type. You must make changes in each tax module as necessary. Some keywords, like [formslist], won't print correctly if you add them to the EF acceptance letter.

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