
Intuit needs to take a second look at their profanity filter.  Why would  F A G I  be censored to become **bleeping**l when it stands for Federal AGI?  This acronym is used in official documents issued by the VA DOR and it is important for the context of the post.

Isn't this a bit too sensitive, when the letters filtered out are not even normally used in the way Intuit was probably thinking?

Thanks for the suggestion @itonewbie. I have modified the content filter to remove that from the list. 

I will review the list and see if there are other terms that may have ambiguous meanings  

Status: Implemented
Vote now if this is a good idea
Level 15

Now that he is back in business, I'll get Dick Tracy to start investigating that issue 😀

Level 15

As this place is now viewed through the lens of "social media" versus a TAX PROFESSIONAL FORUM, we are subjected to this simplistic approach and treated like children.  Social/political correctness is MUCH more important than functionality.

It's all rather insulting; it represents the overall 'dumbing down' of society.

Level 15

Maybe that's only because they want to keep the barn door open...

Level 15

I am truly impressed by the lack of Employee involvement. @IntuitAustin should see this type of constructive criticism and jump right on it, or the staff of tens of thousands of employees to help oversee and correct little times like this. 

I reminds me of a Shelley Berman's Cleans and Dirties routine

Ship is a clean, Frigate is a dirty


Level 15

You're showing your age with that one George 😀

Intuit Alumni
Status changed to: Implemented

Thanks for the suggestion @itonewbie. I have modified the content filter to remove that from the list. 

I will review the list and see if there are other terms that may have ambiguous meanings