Level 7

What is the difference between:

"Final form without watermark is expected to be released on January 26, 2021" (Sch C) and
The form is not final and is watermarked" (Form 8879, Form 8995)?

"The form is not ready" is not the only reason that the form is not included. Both Sch C and form 8995 (same status as form 8879) are included, but form 8879 is not, I believe the other reason is form 8879 does not affect computation.

If draft version of the form 8879 is included (it is not included right now) then we can have it paper signed and finish the transaction. So there is value for the form to be included even though it is not finalized and cannot be e-filed.

I understand you do not control this, but just want to get an opinion and what we can and cannot do, and hope intuit sees this. Thanks.

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