Level 1

Last year when doing an extension the e-file homebase view would put the clients file under the accepted tab and would not show up in the pending tab again until it was opened to continue working on it. This year they are showing up in both spots after the extension is accepted. Is there a way to make it go back to the way it was last year? It made it much simpler to make sure all extensions were done on filing deadline day. Thanks!

Level 15
Level 15

New Homebase format, not the same as last year.   It is what it is.   

The return itself will continue to appear under Pending, until the return is filed/accepted.

0 Cheers
Level 15

@RoxieO I agree with you Roxie , there was nothing wrong with it last year and they had to go and change it , as well as other items... As the old saying goes , if it is not broken do not fix it... Maybe they can use their resources towards other matters... Just my opinion...