Intuit Alumni

Just posting history / follow up sake + to get additional cases if others are running into this.

From the [installationDirectory]/common/UpdateLog.txt file we're seeing that some files are failing to get updated, because the system is unable to rename them. 

[Sat Jan 16 22:04:11 2021]  ### adc support Failed - Error(22) - patch:C:\BasWin20\Updates\wadcdlls-200-5000020.rtp - File: 32bit\TourPresenterSL.dll - ProSeries Basic Edition Update - Failure Renaming File

[Sun Jan 17 11:55:10 2021] ### basic 1040 individual Failed - Error(22) - patch:C:\BasWin20\Updates\wfbipro-200-201794.rtp - File: forms\1040_20\fdixml.1pe - ProSeries Basic Edition Update - Failure Renaming File


We haven't figured out why this is happening yet.  If anyone else runs into this issue, please reply here so we can start gathering data to see if we can find a common root cause.  My guess is some sort of issue with backup, anti-virus, or anti-malware software... or that something on the system is modifying these files, and the update won't overwrite them.

The workaround:

  • Rename any file that's getting an Error(22) 
  • Go to the start menu, and choose ProSeries 2020 -> Tools Repair Updates

If you don't want to deal with renaming/looking at the log file, you can try to just restart your machine and then choose Tools Repair Updates or of course call into Customer Support.