Level 13

For the divs, I'm talking about the ProSeries Schedule B Wks where you enter the bank/broker name, total divs, qual divs, cgd, etc.  It's "convenient" that you can enter everything on one line for each broker.  But not so much in this case.  So I'd enter something like:

Bob's Brokerage - Nonqualified dividends <tab> 1000

And then if you double click you can get to the nominee box and enter the 200 of those dividends were actually paid to the estate.  (All numbers are just made up by me on the spot here.)

Bob's Brokerage - Qualified dividends <tab> 3000 <tab> 3000

And double click again to nominee 500 of those dividends to the estate

Repeat for whatever else you have on that 1099-DIV.

Your Schedule B should then show:

Bob's Brokerage - Nonqualified dividends . . . $1,000
Bob's Brokerage - Qualified dividends . . . $3,000
Nominee distribution ($700)
Total . . . $3,300 (flows to the 1040)

And then your 1040 will also show $2,500 of qualified dividends (fingers crossed, I don't have the software in front of me.)

If you're lucky and we ask nicely, @Just-Lisa-Now- will come along and give you a screen shot. 🙂  Or she'll send me a private email asking me to stop pestering her for screen shots...
