Level 15

You typically would create the 1045 in the 2018 Lacerte return, but you will need numbers from the 2013, before and after the carryback.

I would do a down and dirty summary 2013, i.e. one number for all interest, one number for all dividend, if a rental one income and one big deduction number etc to create the bones of the original 1040 for 2013. Copy that then create a after carryback. If have not checked, but you may have to "cheat" for what year the carryback is from. You will be filing all of this by paper, so crossing out an incorrect year and writing in the correct one will be fine. 

1045 is quite a learning process. Print out the instructions for the 1045 and refer to them often.

Good Luck!

Here's wishing you many Happy Returns