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INTIME WH3/W2 electronic filing - Indiana

Level 2

After processing an electronic transmission file through Information Return System, we ran into an error that Indiana's new software INTime would not accept a .DAT file, but will accept a .TXT file. INTime took the place of INTax.

If anyone is having issues with INTime and not uploading the electronic .DAT file for the W2s. Our IT figured it out, you will need to go to the .dat, right click and select open with, choose a program that will open the file in text, such as WordPad or Notepad. Once it is opened, DO NOT change anything, do not even hit the space bar. Just click on File, Save As, and choose the same name, but as a text file. 

One other issue we ran into was on the EasyAcct side before transfer to the Information Return System, the State Tax ID # must be 13 digits with no dashes, so technically the TID plus location ID.

Once you convert the .DAT file to a .TXT file, then you can upload the document to INTime and it should upload successfully with no errors.

Hope this helps!


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Level 15


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However, this end user just gave your team a huge score. You might want to act on this or at least share it to the tech support crew for your update consideration.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
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