How to change your firm and preparer information in ProConnect Tax
by Intuit•7• Updated 8 months ago
This article can help you:
To change preparer information:
- Click Settings in the lower-left corner.
- Select Preparer Information.
- Click on the preparer name you want to edit.
- Edit the applicable information.
- Click Save.
Adding a preparer is the same process, except you click Add a new preparer in stead of selecting an existing one. To delete a preparer, press View Actions, then click Delete.
To designate the ERO contact:
- On the preparer information screen, locate the Contact column.
- Use the radio button to select which preparer is the ERO contact for your firm.
Note: Previously, the ERO contact selection was located on the firm information screen. ProConnect Tax includes the ERO contact information in e-filed returns, but it's not printed on any forms.
To change your firm information:
If you plan to e-file tax returns, you'll need to submit an EFIN verification document in order to change your firm name or address. That's because the firm information in your software must match the information on your EFIN Application Summary from the IRS. Update your information with the IRS prior to submitting a firm information change to Intuit. Then, follow the steps to verify your EFIN, and your firm information will be updated accordingly.
If your firm doesn't e-file
- Click Settings at the lower-left corner of your program.
- Select Firm Information.
- Click on the Pencil icon to edit your information.
This will only update the firm information that's printed on tax returns you prepare. Accounts that e-file tax returns cannot make changes this way.
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