All btks's Badges

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All btks's Badges

btks has earned 28 badges!
  • Read 5 Posts
    Read 5 Posts
    Earned by 60,903
    Happy browsing! You've read 5 posts.
  • Read 10 Posts
    Read 10 Posts
    Earned by 48,471
    How is the info collecting going? You've read 10 posts.
  • Read 20 Posts
    Read 20 Posts
    Earned by 36,250
    How is the info collecting going? You've read 20 posts.
  • Read 50 Posts
    Read 50 Posts
    Earned by 22,274
    You're checking out ALL the convos! You've read 50 posts.
  • Read 100 Posts
    Read 100 Posts
    Earned by 13,625
    Gathering insights is the name of the game! You've read 100 posts.
  • Read 250 Posts
    Read 250 Posts
    Earned by 5,902
    Soaking up knowledge is your jam! You've read 250 posts.
  • Read 500 Posts
    Read 500 Posts
    Earned by 2,771
    You're quite the researcher! You've read 500 posts.
  • Conversation Starter
    Conversation Starter
    Earned by 29,059
    Hats off for posting your first topic to the community!
  • Profile update
    Profile update
    Earned by 980
    Nice to meet you! Thanks for being here.
  • Cheers
    Earned by 9,318
    Sure is nice to be loved. First cheer received for posting helpful content.
  • 5 Cheers
    5 Cheers
    Earned by 2,002
    Keep up the great work. 5 cheers received for posting helpful content.
  • 10 Cheers
    10 Cheers
    Earned by 905
    You're on a roll. 10 cheers received for posting helpful content.
  • 20 Cheers
    20 Cheers
    Earned by 430
    You are good at this. 20 cheers received for posting helpful content.
  • Cheers Given
    Cheers Given
    Earned by 10,595
    Everyone needs love. You let another community member know their content was helpful.
  • 5 Cheers Given
    5 Cheers Given
    Earned by 2,126
    Thanks for helping acknowledge great content by giving 5 Cheers.
  • 10 Cheers Given
    10 Cheers Given
    Earned by 993
    Thanks acknowledging great content. You've given 10 thumbs up.
  • 20 Cheers Given
    20 Cheers Given
    Earned by 450
    You have a good eye for great content. You've given 20 thumbs up. Thanks for your contribution.
  • 50 Cheers Given
    50 Cheers Given
    Earned by 156
    Cheering on your fellow community members is very helpful to others. Applause to you, you have given 50 cheers.
  • 100 Cheers Given
    100 Cheers Given
    Earned by 83
    You just bear hugged the community 100 times! You've given 100 cheers. Thanks for contributing your likes, you are valuable part of the community.
  • 250 Cheers Given
    250 Cheers Given
    Earned by 42
    You can really spot a diamond even when it's looking like just a rock. You've given 250 cheers. Thanks for being a valuable part of the community.
  • 500 Cheers Given
    500 Cheers Given
    Earned by 30
    You spotted 500 double rainbows! You've given 500 cheers. Acknowledging great content helps others find the gems in this community. Thanks!
  • 750 Cheers Given
    750 Cheers Given
    Earned by 27
    A gem is what you are. 750 cheers received. That is no small feat. Your contributions are ALWAYS welcome.
  • 1,000 Cheers Given
    1,000 Cheers Given
    Earned by 24
    You really, really like, finding great content. And we really really like that about you. Fist pump on giving One THOUSAND likes!
  • 2,000 Cheers Given
    2,000 Cheers Given
    Earned by 16
    You're kind of a big deal when it comes this community. It just wouldn't be the same with out YOU and your positive support. 2,000 Cheers.
  • First Reply
    First Reply
    Earned by 18,420
    Your voice was heard. Your opinion matters. Congrats on your first post.
  • 5 Replies
    5 Replies
    Earned by 3,237
    You're on a roll. You have posted 5 times to the conversation.
  • 7-Day Streak
    7-Day Streak
    Earned by 643
    Thanks for joining us 7 Days in a row!
  • 30-Day Streak
    30-Day Streak
    Earned by 69
    You're on a roll! You've signed in every day for a month.